Connect with us
Contact us
12 McCarty Road
P.O. Box 403
Tyringham, MA 01264
Email Contacts
General Inquiries: connect@wovenrootsfarm.com
Employment Opportunities: aviva@wovenrootsfarm.com
CSA Inquiries: csa@wovenrootsfarm.com
Get Involved
We welcome volunteers of all skill levels to assist our work on the farm. From single-day opportunities to work-share and longer-term positions, there are many ways to join the Woven Roots community.
At Woven Roots we have had the pleasure of hosting interns and students on our farm in a variety of positions. From learning in the fields to lending a hand in marketing efforts, it is our please to partner with youth in their own personal development.
Woven Roots Farm is a for-profit business and at the same time, we depend on assistance and contribution from our community in a variety of ways. Contact us for more information.