Frequently asked questions
Our CSA season runs for 22 weeks from mid-June until the first week in November. Exact dates for the following season are posted at the finale of the current season.
Your membership in our CSA offers you these benefits:
• a regular ‘Share’ of produce
• any add-on share types you may have purchased (i.e flowers, eggs)
• local vendors and pop-ups during the CSA pick-up time
• weekly recipes and an e-newsletter to help you make use of and store the produce we provide
• early access to all farm events and educational opportunities
We produce crops that grow well in our region so that our members receive a full spectrum of local, seasonal food. We aim to provide our members with a balanced amount of produce throughout the season; early-season shares contain mostly greens, mid-season shares contain more fruiting crops, and late-season shares contain more greens, root vegetables, and storage crops.
Examples of share contents over the weeks:
Week 1: Spinach, Rhubarb, Red Leaf Lettuce, Green Leaf Lettuce, Radishes, Pac Choi, Kale, and Collards Greens.
Week 10: Basil, Cucumbers, Pole Beans, Cherry Tomatoes, Turnip Tops, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Flowers, and Herbs.
Week 22: Carrots, Pac Choi, Onions, Red Leaf Lettuce, Fennel, Celeriac, Butternut Squash, and Arugula.
The retail value of the produce at each pickup is approximately $45.00.
Full and Partial shares include the same selections and amount of produce. Full share members pick up a share every week and partial share members pick up a share every other week.
As part of your regular CSA pick-up, we offer opportunities for you to directly connect with the Land and the food. Depending on seasonal availability, Pick-Your-Own offerings may include sugar snap peas, pole beans, raspberries, and herbs. A limited amount of flowers are also available as part of each CSA share. Larger quantities of flowers are available with a Flower Bucket Share add-on.
We will communicate with you when each of these offerings become available and provide tutorials and tips on how to pick these crops correctly and sustainably. We encourage you to allow more time for your pick-up to enjoy these benefits.
The Spring Bouquet CSA offers pre-harvested and arranged flowers that come wrapped for you to pick up.
The Summer Flower Bucket shares offer pick-your-own flowers. On average, flower buckets hold 50 or so stems.
All CSA pick-ups occur on Saturdays at Woven Roots Farm (12 McCarty Road, Tyringham MA) between the hours of 9:30 am and 12:00 pm. Someone will greet you at the barn entrance, sign you in, and update you on any CSA happenings.
Ours is a market-style pickup, meaning we harvest the produce for you. It is then laid out on tables, and you fill your own bags. Each week’s share fills 1-2 standard bags. There are some items that are distributed loose and will need a smaller produce bag (ex: spinach, salad mix, beans, etc.). Please plan on having a number of smaller bags on hand at pick-ups as we do not have extras available.
When flowers and herbs are available for picking, we recommend that you bring a jar or vase to fill with water to keep them fresh on your way home.
Woven Roots Farm is a “traditional” CSA, meaning we decide what goes in the share (not the member). Items switch from week to week based on what’s in season. We offer a “Swap Shop” table where members can leave an unwanted item and take anything that someone else has left.
Our general practice is to not supplement (or "buy-in") vegetables from other farms (although we love sharing the delicious apples from our neighbors’ farm when they are available!).
If we need to buy-in produce at any point, we will be fully transparent about who we are purchasing from and why.
If you are unable to eat all the vegetables in a Full Share, by all means, split the share with another person. If you do split a share, we need to know with whom you are sharing, so they also get a weekly email. You are responsible for how the share will be divided and we prefer one payment for both parties. We ask that no more than 2 households split a share.
Yes! If you cannot pick up your share yourself, it is up to you to arrange for someone else to pick it up. All they have to do is give us your name during pickup. Please share any helpful tips with the person you are sending in your stead for maximum preparedness.
Rain or shine, heat or cold, we are here for you. Dress appropriately and plan to face the elements. In 13 years of our CSA, only once did we have to delay a pick-up start time due to freezing temperatures! We will reach out well in advance if this is something we are considering.
We do not hold your share for you, credit your account, or double up on shares later. But you have a few options:
1. Send a substitute in your place. Find a friend to take your share for you and they can either store it until you return OR eat it themselves! It’s a great way to spread some joy and expose others to our CSA.
2. Let it flow into donations. If you do not show up in time, your share will automatically be donated.
4. Ask us to hold your share at the farm until no later than end of day Monday.
If you do not notify us by midnight on Fridays, your share will be donated. Each packed share represents a cost to us in product and labor, so we cannot make a practice of saving shares for missed pickups. If you need to reach us regarding your CSA pick-up, please email River, our CSA Coordinator, via CSA@wovenrootsfarm.com